Thursday, August 31, 2023
Camp Double Nickel 2023

Saturday, August 26, 2023
All Because Two People Fell in Love
On August 27, 1988 a young couple married. The man proposed two days after they met. The woman wondered why it took so long for him to propose. They married weeks after he proposed.
They did not marry so they could be travelers or explorers, yet they ended up spending over 1,100 days in Europe. They visited incredible sights and walked where others have walked for thousands of years. Their travels allowed for them to cross the expanse of the United States, Mexico and also to swim in the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico and far too numerous of bodies of waters in between.
They did not marry so they could become historians, yet, every place they traveled/lived, history unfolded before their eyes. From the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, The Civil War, the Spanish American War to both WW1 and WW11. The couple learned that the more they study and learn from history, the better the chance that they won't repeat the pitfalls of previous generations.
They did not marry to advance their education, yet both ended up with over an hundred hours of higher learning, a Bachelors, and far too numerous training certifications as well as hours upon hours of hands on training.
They did not marry to become better citizens, yet their love for each other allowed for this to happen, as they translated the possibilities they created in their own home to their community, county, state and nation. This all began at home. They signed up as volunteers in their community and amassed hundreds upon hundreds of volunteer hours. They put their names upon a ballot-to put up or shut up, as the cliche goes. Neither won, yet they put themselves forward in an understanding in what one can and should be as a candidate-all learned while going door to door.
They did not marry to become Jack-of-all-trades, yet 35 years of moves to single wide trailers, campers, military housing, houses, German apartments, a firehall, and two homes that were mirror images of each other afforded-nay, required hands on skills in plumbing, woodworking, electrical work, and simple to not so simple repairs, all side by side learning together.
They did not marry even considering that one day they would lose all their parents, yet they did. The realization of how important their parents were, deeply changed this couple, and then challenged them. While this couple is still alive, they realized that they could be more, be better in their lives, spend more time with their children and grandchildren.
They did not marry to become roommates. No, they married because they realized that they were incomplete without the other.
They did not marry to be brave/bold/or to make a difference, yet in 2021, when the tyranny of the government swooped in and took all, this couple stood together as they always have, hand in hand in Truth. The government cannot wedge in Truth, it only thinks it can. This couple learned that even though it was very hard for the breadwinner to be fired, standing on the Rights we all have thanks to God, our Founding Fathers, and the Constitution they did not comply with Tyranny and Unconstitutional mandates. It was not easy these past few years, but this couple understood one must NEVER bow down to tyranny and they also understand that they may have to stand against tyranny in the future and will do so hand in hand.
They did not marry because God commanded it. They did not even know Him-then. Now they are grateful to have followed the promptings of the Holy Spirit, even when they did not understand. (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:6)
They did not marry to become devoted Bible believers. Neither had ever read more than a few verses of the Bible. Their walk to God was divinely led because He is always waiting. They understood as a young couple that they needed more in their lives than what the world offered and sought God without knowing God had been moving them to Him.
They did not marry to become parents, even though God says to be fruitful and multiply. They married to be with each other and discovered that the children made their lives better. They learned to be parents and had many missteps and many sleepless nights filled with worries and fears. They see today, 35 years later, that their efforts were not in vain.(Genesis1:28)
They did not marry to become anything. The young man worked for his father and wasn't receiving a paycheck. The young woman's thoughts were only of him. Together the young man was able to seek more and the young woman became support in the home to lift him up as well as the family and God gave them both a home, not of mortar, bricks, or wood, but of two becoming one.
Many mark their anniversaries with some dramatic measure-a once in a lifetime trip, or an expensive piece of jewelry. This couple will not do that on the 27th. They will instead have a simple day trip to the grocery with a packed lunch and time together. You see, this couple simply in life, learned that they have given 100% nearly every single day, and that has afforded them to see what marriage could be daily-only if, and truly only if, they put the other first.
Gifts came and still come in all shapes and sizes from changing a diaper, to never having to fill the gas tank. Some are as incredible as time to take a hot bath, to going out on the Mesa with friends (co-workers). They also ended up gifting their children 24 years of home education, allowing for the input and knowledge that the little brains absorb were their values thus creating a solid foundation. Proverbs 22:6
This couple lives a life that many dream of, especially since 2020.They live on a small piece of property raising a few critters, growing a wee bit of food, and preserving it all the while enjoying the incredible views of a mountain range to the east and the White Sands to the west.
So the simplicity of marking this day isn't as important as the incredible journey this couple has taken to arrive at August 27, 2023...all because they fell in love.
They have been married 35 years, 420 months, 12,783 days.
They have 4 amazing children
They have 9 grandchildren and one on the way.
Don't place unrealistic expectations on one single day, instead like this couple place as much energy and love in to each and every day and it will make all the difference.
Jen, the young woman who did not marry for anything but love.
Burrito Breakfast
I make Bill's breakfast every morn. On days he heads to town for work, I prep burritos. The above photo is filled with farm goodness,...

I make Bill's breakfast every morn. On days he heads to town for work, I prep burritos. The above photo is filled with farm goodness,...
What do you see in this photo? I can share with you what is in this photo. So the horseprint rolls are hand towels for the main bathroom....