Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Are you Ready?

 It is a vague question but an important one. Are you ready? You should then be thinking, for what?

Well,  anything goes at this point. Normal from 2019 and before does not exist. 

The probability of the financial system changing forever is not only on the table but being moved forward by not only Fe d No w, as well as the BRICS nations. Since we have not done anything to maintain and secure the dollar, other nations have seen an opportunity and a weakness in leadership to move forward. 

There is a push as well for an alien encounter/invasion? Who would have even guessed this besides Hollywood? Yet, it is being told by credible sources that the government has indeed secured some sort of crafts as well as possibly beings. Now, I am only asking if you are ready for these things to happen. I am not suggesting that I believe that aliens are real. 

There is another idea of creating this euphoric, lovely, amazing 15 minute Cit ies. I struggle with how people can live in a city, and that is my struggle but now, I must share my reasoning, as it is coming to the forefront and will happen. It then becomes easy to control anyone in that city. Entrances and egresses will be controlled. You will have digit al passes to ensure you remain in your district. Food and water are brought into cities as well as garbage and sewage is taken out of the cities. Imagine if the city dwellers decided that they did not want to remain. Control of this city is easy by simply stopping food and water. Imagine if the sewage was stopped from flowing out...

The food  is in the spotlight as meat is a problem. Insane. You may already be eating insects as they have some Keto foods that are including the buggles. Perhaps you don't care, but the truth is that the critters are so multi faceted on the provisions we gain from them. For the vile non compliant people that would not take the  v a x, relax, the solution is being adding to beef and pork. Raising your own critters will not be an option if you are in a city. 

Still speaking of food, let's see how unprepared we are for the contamination of food to happen as it has already been happening since I don't know when. I mean, why is propylene glycol in cake mixes? Why are so many products using wood pulp? Why are food dyes known to cause cancer still in the majority of children's foods? The European Union, Russia, and even China have bans on most of the ingredients graciously fed to the American people. If you wanted a fat, lethargic people, give them treats infested with vileness and boom. To those thinking you are ready as you eat a very healthy diet, are you aware of the fact that the v a x technology is being trialed in greens. Yep, healthy greens. In addition, what is this chemical that is apeel? Feel free to do your own homework. 

Now on to the gas stove idiocy, the electric car disgrace (slave labor, massive earths precious metals needed), and hmm, the outright destruction of parental rights you need to get ready if you are not.

What can you do? What can I do? Well it is quite obvious that the United States has been under an attack from within for a few years and the trajectory may not be able to be changed. 

I will end this post without solutions. It is not for me to provide solutions but more to alert/awaken/ or shine a light on the reality. Some may think I am crazy, conspiratorial or just a silly woman sitting at her desk and ignore the above issues. 

Others will read this and say, there's more, to which I will nod and say this is a hard pill to share so small doses for the uninformed. Those that are awake are most likely ready. I used to say be ready for a few months. Now I say get ready for several years or more. As these are the times we live in. 

I still remain a glass half full person and rest in my faith, my husband and my family all the while preparing for the uncertain future that is ahead of us.

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